Backdrop - The Bearded Guy - Cutie Heart @ Cupids Quest
Pose - Sweet Art - Bety 4
Necklace/Earring - Vincue - Harpie Jewlery Set
Cat/Roses/Heart Balloon - Madpea Cupids Love Quest (Feb 1st-24th) (Heart Bouquet of Roses/Kitty Cushion/Heart Balloon Sculpture
Shine - THIS IS WRONG - Valentine Shine
Nails - RAWR! - Ankh Queen
Rings - RAWR! - Diabolical / Batty
Belly Chain/Anklets - RAWR! - Je t'aime
Brow - Avarosa - Hd Brows 2
Waist Deformer - Pretty Liars - Reborn Deformers
Body - Ebody - Reborn
Head - Lelutka - Raven
Head Skin - Heaux - Lina
Body Skin - Velour - Picasso Babe Curvy Muse
Hair - Stealthic - Motion