Backdrop - The Bearded Guy - Sweet Queen @ Dollhollic
Pose - Cuca - X Marks The Spot
Sweater - Little Fox - Maia @ Fameshed
Pants - Blueberry - Spotlight (FLF this weekend)
Nails - RAWR! - Jaded @ Warehouse Sale
Nails - RAWR! - Priscilla
Lashes - Cinnamon Cocaine - Psycho
Mole - Izzies - Beauty Mole
Eyes - Avi Glam - Vitality
Boob Veins - Izzies - Breast Veins & Stretch Marks
Face Highlight - Bloodline - Genetics Kit
Waist Deformer - Pretty Liars - Reborn Deformers
Body - Ebody - Reborn
Head - Lelutka - Avalon
Skin - Not Found - Zara
Hair - Faga - Breeze