Backdrop - Synnergy - Hellish Rhelm @ Halloween Shop N Hop
Pose - OMY - Abetha - Madpea hunt gift!
Outfit - Sixx . Wraith - Victoria Corset @ Engine Room
Horns - Petrichor - Pacaro Horns @ Engine Room
Arm fades - Velour - Hallween fades for venus
Boots - CryBunBun - Devils Babygirl Demon Edition
Thigh Bruises - Pretty Liars - Thigh Slapper ( Jiggle animations, sounds and moans, 4 textures!)
Rings / Nails - RAWR! - Pray
Lashes - Nar Mattaru - Moody
Brow- Simple Bloom - Livspring
Waist Deformer - Pretty Liars - Reborn Deformers
Body - Ebody - Reborn
Head - Lelutka - Prim - EVOX
Head Skin - Heaux - Sweetie
Body Skin - Velour - Ipanama
Hair - Aii And Ego Sonata @ Engine Room