Background - The Bearded Guy - Night Pool Backdrop @ Posevent
Outfit - Spoiled - Octopussy
Rings - RAWR! - Gothique @ The Warehouse Sale
Nails - Conviction - Beast Claws
Piercings - LittleFish - Kitty (Septum) / Demi (Nose) / Ariana (Cheek) / Avril (Lip) / Vio Rings (Brow)
Freckles - Vortex - Freckles 1.0
Lashes - Cinnamon Cocaine - Psycho
Ears - Swallow - Gauged
Body - Inithium - Kupra
Head - Lelutka - Avalon - EVOX
Skin - Not Found - Amie Sorbet
Hair - Doux - Sophie