Backdrop - The Bearded Guy - Bichota Alley @ Thirsty
Pose - Cuca - Unsentimental (Free pose @ Mainstore)
Outfit - G-Shot - Emese
Nails - RAWR! - Amen
Rings - RAWR! - Amen
Lashes - Cinnamon Cocaine - Psychic
Mole - Izzies - Beauty Mole
Shine - This Is Wrong - Petite Shine
Eyes - AG - Lucent
Tongue - The Deadboy - Morus
Face Highlight - Bloodline - Genetics Kit
Waist Deformer - Pretty Liars - Reborn Deformers
Body - Ebody - Reborn
Head - Lelutka - Kaya - EVOX
Skin - Glam Affair - Flo
Hair - WINGS - TZ1120