Backdrop - The Bearded Guy - Horny Satanic
Pose - OMY - Billie
Outfit - Tanaka - Nurse
Earrings - RAWR! - Villian @ Warehouse Sale
Lashes - Cinnamon Cocaine - Psychic
Mole - Izzies - Beauty Mole
Titty Bruises - Pretty Liars - Breast Slapper (4 texture options, set how long blush lasts. Multiple sounds and whitelist option. Jiggles and wiggles. Preview: )
Face cuts - Rouxs - Scars Set
Nose Blood - The Deadboy - God Sickness
Shadow - IDTTY Faces - Beautiful Liar
Eyes - Left - Lotus - Occult Right - Bad rabbit - Leopard
Face Highlight - Bloodline - Genetics Kit
Body - Legacy - Classic
Head - Lelutka - Avalon
Skin - The Skinnery - Julia