Backdrop - The Bearded Guy - Sapiosexual Temple White @ Kinky
Pose - Cuca - Downtime (Comes with its own ice cream too)
Ice Cream - Short Leash - Cool Treat Pop
Shark - Tardfish - Chubby Shark
Shine - THIS IS WRONG - Sweaty Shine @ Kinky
Nails - RAWR! - Amen
Eyes - AG - Lucent
Lashes - Cinnamon Cocaine - Psychic
Freckle - Anthalon - Rosmary
Waist Deformer - Pretty Liars - Reborn Deformers
Body - Ebody - Reborn
Head - Lelutka - Prim - EVOX
Head Skin - Heaux - Kita
Body Skin - Velour - Ipanama
Hair - Foxy - Coi