Backdrop - The Bearded Guy - Talos Pool
Pose - Lyrium - Miku
Glasses - Tanaka - SUTARAITO GLASSES
Brow - Nuve - Blake V2
Lash - Nuve - Minx
Shape - Build A Bitch Warehouse - Terri
Breast/Waist/Butt Deformer - Pretty Liars - Inithium Khara Essential Deformers (25 different deformers with multiple different amounts on each. Belly, Waist, Hips and Butt, Butt, Boobs, Physic, 2 Body shapers. Can use separately or all in 1!)
Body - Inithium - Khara
Head - Lelutka - Briannon
Head Skin - Heaux - Jurin
Body Skin - Velour - Picasso Babe Curvy Muse
Hair - Yomi - Cecile